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Assessments & Art Therapy

Today, we were instructed to portray our understanding of assessments in art therapy on a puzzle piece. I had initially used acrylic paint but found that it was not the best

choice of paint for the puzzle’s surface. I switched to poster paint and realized that the puzzle represents clients in art therapy sessions and the type of paint represents the appropriate approach, goals, and treatments needed for the client. With inappropriate 'paint' given to the clients, they may end-up with negative outcomes and we may bring potential threats to them instead.

The vast amount of information obtained from assessments are valuable in therapy

sessions, however, we need to identify certain types of information to form an understanding

and subsequently plan appropriate treatments and interventions. Which is similar to stars in

the sky, whereby we do not need all the stars to form a constellation as we would only need a few to form constellations as how we would need certain information for therapy sessions.

Moreover, stars that we see from Earth varies in size as some looks small and dim

while others are much bigger and brighter. However, the small and dim stars might actually

be larger in physical size than the bigger and brighter ones due to their proximity to Earth. Therefore, assessments and information are similar in which small information and details

might not actually be small in terms of its value and importance in therapy sessions.

It was very enlightening to see how an art directive by my lecturer allowed me to reflect deeper and realize how assessments could be used in art therapy. This serves as a reminder that art therapy is not just creating art, but it is important for us to know that there's no one size fits all and we would need to alter our sessions depending on client's needs, and that not all information we may gather from the client and the therapy sessions serves as important information and/or facts.


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